Adobe Lightroom & Sleeklens Presets

Adobe Lightroom is what I use to edit my photographs with and I’ve been using it regularly for roughly 5 years now and love it. Lightroom can transform a decent picture into a cool picture in just a few clicks and the ease of use and ability to install presets is one of the main reasons why so many photographers now use Lightroom.

You can either buy, create, or download presets for Lightroom. Once installed which is easy to do, you simply flip through the library of pictures and can completely change the look of the photo with just one click.

I’ve used a number of paid Lightroom presets in the past and one of my favourite presets to use with Lightroom are available to buy from Sleeklens.

Below I’ve used some of my favourite presets from Sleeklens (black and white, film and golden hour) and shown what the before and after photos look like.

Black and White Preset

Original photograph

With Sleeklens black and white preset


Film Preset

Original photograph


With Sleeklens film preset


Golden Hour Preset

Original photograph
With Sleeklens golden hour preset


Finally below is a recent photograph I took of the Colosseum in Rome (read my Rome travel blog post here) – the first photo is the original and the 3 that follow are all using Sleeklens presets. As you can see, by using the presets the original photo is transformed from an okay picture into a pretty cool picture.

Original photograph


With Sleeklens preset
With Sleeklens preset


With Sleeklens preset


Sleeklens Website & Discount Code

I have a coupon code which you can use at Sleeklens that gets you 15% of your first purchase. The coupon code is: coolpictures

Visit the Sleeklens website and find your perfect Lightroom presets at

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