Your Guide to Personalised Number Plates

Personalised number plates are a fun and easy way to add a little bit of interest and uniqueness to your car, help you stand out on the road, make it easier to remember your car registration number and even hide the age of your car if it’s getting on a bit. However, if you are looking to treat yourself to a number plate change, whether you want something funny or a plate that resembles your name, there are a few things that you should know first.

What are the Rules?

Before you go ahead and spend your money on a new registration plate, it’s important to understand what’s allowed and what isn’t. Rude words are out of the question, and it’s illegal to put a number on a vehicle that makes it look newer than it is. However, if you want to hide the age of your car, a dateless number plate is a good option.

Where Can You Buy Registration Plates?

The best place to look for a personalised registration plate is MYREG or DVLA, who have a dedicated website for personalised number plates. They currently have over 45 million plates listed for sale and there are regular auctions held to sell the more highly sought-after combinations. Once you have purchased your plate, you can keep the standard number plates that will be sent out for you to put on your car, or you can buy legal plate designs from Number 1 Plates, like 4D number plates, if you want your car to stand out even more. Number 1 Plates also offer 4D neon plates that are also road legal and add a pop of colour underneath to make your car even more interesting.

Choosing Your Personalised Registration Plate

The registration plate you go for is likely to depend on a number of different factors, including the combination of numbers and letters you want, the age of your car, and your budget. Bear in mind that dateless plates and the more sought-after plates can go for thousands of pounds, so unless you’re willing to splash that kind of money on a registration plate, you might need to do some shopping around to find something that suits. If you really want a plate that you can’t afford to buy in cash right now, some private number plate websites offer credit plans that you might want to take advantage of.

Registering Your Private Number Plate

If you purchase your private number plate directly from the DVLA, you will be given the option to update your car details with the new registration. Don’t forget that you will also need to update your registration number on any other documents, particularly your car insurance, since driving with the wrong number plate could invalidate it and land you in trouble. If you park anywhere with number plate recognition, don’t forget to update it there too.

A private number plate can be a fun and unique way to add some interest to your car. But, make sure that you know the basics before you go out and treat your ride to one.

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