5 Cool 21st Century Kitchen Appliances

Kitchen trends are changing once again, with an emphasis on compact, integrated appliances. Today we’ve chosen five kitchen appliances that we love both from a design point of view and what they can do in the kitchen.

Francis Francis! Y1 Coffee Machine

This coffee machine could have made the list due to its looks alone, but it brings the heat too. Using Illy’s innovative iperEspresso capsules, the machine delivers top-class espressos. It features a tempered glass cup-heater, too. They probably have the coolest video out these 5 appliances featured in this post too…

SousVide SVS-10LS Supreme Water Oven

That’s right, you read it correctly; the world’s very first water oven has arrived. It’s about as big as a bread maker and will fit in any home kitchen. The sous-vide cooking method has been employed by gourmet chefs for years. Now, you’ll be able to accomplish the same level of quality at home. It works by immersing vacuum-sealed food in water, thereby providing you with extremely tender meat and delicious vegetables. It’s absolutely fool-proof and means that you’ll never overcook anything again.The vacuum-sealed bags help retain nutrients from leaking away. Best of all, the machine uses the same amount of energy as a 60 watt light bulb.

Bugatti Uma kitchen Scale

This made the list purely because it manages to turn the least exciting piece of kitchen gear into something that’s quite pretty to look at. Its chromed stainless steel exterior gives it a very sleek look. It has thermoplastic containers built into it, too. However, I’m not sure if Bugatti’s promotional video for this Uma is just really bad, or if it’s tongue in cheek? You decide…

Kenwood kMix Toaster

At first glance, the kMix doesn’t seem to be bringing anything new to the table. It can toast bread from frozen and you can adjust the level of browning on the toast with the controls. No biggie there then – pretty much all toasters already have these functions. What sets this toaster apart from the rest, however, is the integrated bun rack, as well as its Peek and View function, which allows you to monitor your bread as it’s being toasted.

Hurom HU-100 Slow Juicer

It may not be the fastest juicer out there, but the Hurom HU-1000 ensures maximum nutrition is taken from the fruits and veg, and minimum waste is produced. It’s really easy to clean, and juices just about anything you feed it.


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