Bringing in more leads with Google AdWords management services

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With people embracing more technology and digital services by the day, effective online advertising is essential for any business with growth aspirations. This makes it vital to stand out with a good website and a variety of effective tactics to bring traffic to it. This includes email campaigns, social media posts, display advertising, videos, and webinars. Google Ads are also a vital way of bringing qualified buyers to your website.


Getting the most out of Google

Google is the one and only place millions of people search for products and services they need. There are two ways of optimising your business’ presence on the world’s largest search engine.

First, organic search involves optimising your whole website to be more attractive to Google’s algorithm. This means that when people search for keywords relevant to your business, there is more chance of it coming out high in their search results.

Second, paid campaigns, or Google AdWords allow you to design specific adverts to appear at the top of peoples’ search results if they enter your chosen keywords. Using a combination of both approaches will ensure your success with Google.


Getting started with Google AdWords

Finding expert help with your AdWords campaigns is the most important step you will take. While you may think that as a regular user of Google you know a little about it, the reality is that this is different to being able to create optimised campaigns.

For effective Google AdWords management, the two main ingredients are time and technical skills. Many business owners and marketing professionals lack at least one of those two. Even if you have the skills, the testing and tweaking of AdWords management takes time. If you have the time but not the skills, there is an argument that your time could be better served on other business activities and letting an AdWords management agency do what they are good at with your campaigns.


Don’t make a costly mistake

Any click is counted as a click in terms of Google AdWords campaigns. In other words, irrespective of whether the person that clicks your ad is your optimal target buyer or someone completely irrelevant, you still pay the same for the click.

By running sub-optimal ads, you risk at least some of your clicks being of the wasted variety. Hiring an expert may seem like you are wasting some of your budget on something you could do yourself, but the reality is that you will simply save the money on wasted clicks. It will also ensure you get in on the good leads ahead of your competitors.


Making the right hire

Set about recruiting some external help as if you were hiring a new member of staff. Look for an agency or freelancer with the right skills, and the kind of personality you feel you could work with on a regular basis.

Ideally, you want your AdWords management company to be large enough to have the skills and experience to deliver the best campaigns, but small enough to value your business and treat you as an important customer.

Putting some careful attention into your search will help deliver both of these things and set you up for success with your chosen agency in the long-term.

Look for AdWords account management with a solid trading history, public testimonials from customers, and obviously a good Google search ranking of their own!


The role of a good AdWords consultant

The main value a good AdWords consultant will bring to your firm is the time and attention to fine tune your ads and landing page copy to respond to external factors. These can include changes in keyword searches, or small adjustments to the Google algorithm.

Deciding on your budget for a 3–6-month period will give your AdWords consultant the ability to plan your campaigns in advance and set keyword volumes. This will provide a consistent flow of leads into the business, and allow sales teams to plan their workloads based on predictable volumes.

Look to hire an agency that asks questions of your sales teams and wants to know how successful the leads really were. In other words, look for a partner interested in the overall ROI of the campaign, not just how many clicks were generated.


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