All Terrain Kart (ATK)

Do you really want to watch your children sit inside and play on the computer all day? Don’t you remember those days of old when you would spend hours upon hours playing with friends until the sun went down? Making children go outside to play can be difficult; however, this All Terrain Kart (ATK) is just the trick to get them back to their natural roots.



The All Terrain Kart has been designed for children between the ages of seven and 12. This age group is just perfect for the kart. When children are younger, they generally enjoy going to the playground and feeling the soft grass on their feet. It’s when they age that electronics start to become a major issue. Therefore, the ATK makes the outdoors appealing again to those older primary school aged children.


Go anywhere

As the name implies, this All Terrain Kart can be used practically anywhere. Children will enjoy sailing down a small hill in a lush meadow or moving themselves along across the lawn. Visiting the local playground or park is a suitable idea as long as no small children are near their potential path. Of course, parents must exercise caution when their children are riding on the All Terrain Kart. For example, they should not be playing in the street due to the danger of cars.


Customisable too

Remember when you would go to the park and show off unique features of your own bicycle to the other kids? Well, now it’s time to let your children do the same. While the All Terrain Kart comes in a standard size and model, many features exist which can be customised to your specifications. These parts include a storage hook, tyres, spares pack, customer stickers and inner tubes. In fact, each of your kids could have a bike that is made specifically for him or her! The website indicates that other spare parts are available, and they can be described by calling the company.



Sometimes, parents no longer allow their children to play outside because they have so many safety concerns about the outside world. Instead of allowing fear to take over, parents can read all about the safety of the All Terrain Kart. First of all, the site reminds parents that helmets, elbow pads and knee pads are available on Amazon. These safety protective features should absolutely be worn. Furthermore, the ATK was built with safety at the forefront. These karts have been safety tested. Additionally, they are built to have sustaining power, meaning that they will not randomly fall apart thereby endangering your precious child.

Indeed, these karts are truly the coolest ride-on toys since the skateboard graced the world with its presence. They allow children to see the value of playing outside, getting in some exercise and escaping from the power that the computer has seemed to exert over their minds. These karts are truly a way to make the entire family feel happy.


More information & where to buy?

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