Car Club vs Car Ownership Infographic

There is no question that we love our cars. We clean them (sometimes!), talk about them, we enjoy driving them. It’s all about the pleasures of the open road; that unmistakable feeling of freedom. But there’s a catch. We also have to fuel them, service them, repair them and generally pay for the right to use them. All of these costs can soon amount to a substantial figure.

Of course, if you’re someone who uses a car on a frequent/daily basis all of this is unavoidable. Owning and running a car isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. You simply have no alternative. But what if you only use a car on a very casual basis for a few short trips at the weekend? Are all the aforementioned costs justified when your car spends most of the time parked in a garage?

All of which begs the question, is there another way?

It could well be that a Car Club is the answer to this conundrum. Car Clubs allow you access to vehicles as and when you need them without the commitment of ownership. After an initial membership fee, you only spend money when you need to use a car and you don’t have to concern yourself with all the ancillary expenses too.
So that’s your insurance, tax, petrol, breakdown cover (and a few others depending on which Car Club you choose) all covered. No taking it in for repairs and then receiving an unexpectedly high bill; no sifting through all the insurance offers promising you the best deal; no getting a tax renewal notice just after you’ve booked that expensive holiday!

And with the increase in the number of locations where Car Clubs are present, the accessibility factor also adds another tick in the box. Nearly all the major cities throughout the U.K. have Car Clubs as the demand for this type of service grows. So there’s a strong likelihood that there’s a Car Club not too far away from you already., a leading provider of car hire excess insurance, have crunched the numbers and produced an info-graphic comparing the costs of car ownership versus using a Car Club. See how the two compare below:


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