Clear Aligners vs Braces: Why Clear Aligners Are Preferred By Adults

In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of adult patients seeking to have orthodontic treatment. Deciding to undergo orthodontic treatment is one thing, knowing which one to choose from is another. When going forward with treatment, you need to choose between traditional braces – what many young people have throughout school, or clear aligners.

For most adults, the choice they go with tends to be clear aligners for various reasons, some of which are personal. Regardless of the reason, the benefits of clear aligners tend to outweigh the benefits of wearing traditional braces. Here are just a few reasons why clear aligners are often the preferred choice by adults.


Less Invasive Treatment

Clear aligners provide a person with the ability to remove it when they eat a meal or a snack, as well as when they brush their teeth. This flexibility also allows them to continue with their good oral hygiene habits such as brushing their teeth and flossing. It is this level of freedom that many clear aligner wearers love to have.

When wearing a traditional brace, there are certain foods that a person cannot consume due to the brackets coming loose. In turn, this will lead to an increase in the total of visits to the orthodontist to reverse the issue caused.


Less Conspicuous Compared To Braces

The clue is the name with clear aligners. Any dentist will inform you that clear aligners are more likely to go undetected by others in comparison to traditional braces. It is this quality that attracts many adults to choose clear aligners, as they can go unnoticed whilst helping to hide existing gaps a person may have in their teeth.

Traditional braces are also often used, however, they are a more common treatment for younger people, in their early teens compared to adults.


Easier To Maintain Excellent Oral Health

With traditional braces, it can be slightly challenging to properly take care of your teeth, due to the wires and bands that are used to help form straighter teeth. There are various reasons as to why this is, for some they just create poor oral hygiene habits after the brackets have been added to their teeth. For others, before having braces there oral hygiene regime was near enough non-existent. After having braces added, they have not attempted to make any adjustments to create and maintain a good cleaning routine.

Whereas with clear aligners, the user can brush and floss their teeth as normal. Instead, they just need to ensure that they properly clean their clear aligner. As a result, they tend to be more efficient at maintaining a strong level of oral hygiene during their treatment and in the years following.


Making The Choice

Comparing the benefits of clear aligners to traditional braces, clear aligners tend to come out on top as a great alternative. When anyone decides to undergo orthodontic treatments, it is done so for various reasons some personal, some more obvious. Regardless, the advancement in technology and how far clear aligners have come, has made them the preferred choice of treatment for many adults looking to achieve the perfect smile.

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