10 stats that highlights consumer culture in Britain

Here in Britain more than ever before is a growing ‘need it now’ culture with anytime-anywhere convenience. A new study by promotional products retailer 4imprint reveals the true extent to which Britain has become an impatient nation. We are a society that revels in instant gratification. Our food is fast, our Internet is high speed, and our shipping is next day. With a few taps and swipes of your mobile you can get what you want, when you want it. Next time you are waiting in line for your coffee, look around to see how many people are using their handhelds, checking e-mails or texting on smart phones, ordering some shopping or streaming a movie on their tablet. Technology and gadgets has propelled us forwards and as more and more devices and apps deliver instant gratification, the more it sets a new standard for our expectations as the consumer. It’s not our fault, the consumers. Being always-connected via our mobile phones and tablets, the nature of today’s world means that consumers expect to get things faster than ever before. We didn’t set out to expect everything whenever, wherever. But new technologies such as geo-location, mobile, social and always-on connectivity empowered us to get access to information and services on-demand. For better or for worse, this has influenced our behaviour beyond the point of no return.

We all know companies such as Amazon and their paid prime service offering free one or two day delivery, but many businesses in Britain have stepped up to the demand of us the consumer by offering express type services for quick delivery of products and services. For example, promotional products retailer 4imprint.co.uk has a one day express service for people with tight deadlines to meet.

Here are headline stats from the research study that 4imprint conducted.

  • 84% of UK adults class themselves as impatient
  • Nearly 3 quarters (73%) admit they have become less patient in recent years
  • 41% said nothing is more frustrating than wasted time
  • 18% said they are so used to getting things instantly from the internet they often expect it in every aspect of life
  • 3 in 10 admit they binge watch boxsets because they don’t want to wait to find out what happens next
  • 34% cross the road before the green man appears
  • A quarter say they will hang up the phone if they are on hold for more than five minutes
  • 24% will walk out of a shop or restaurant if there aren’t enough staff/all the staff are busy, or the menu hasn’t come quick enough
  • 21% get frustrated if someone doesn’t text you back immediately
  • 18% never read to the end of articles

‘Now’ is the new normal. How many of these stats relate to you and how many surprise you? drop your comments below. Personally, most of these stats apply to me and none of these stats surprise me at all and if you’ve got to this this part of my article and are still reading, thank for for your time ; )

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