How to choose a large garden planter for you garden?

Many lucky people have their own garden to grow plants and flowers. This is a unique opportunity even if you have a small outdoor area. Not all people put a gazebo there and make a pool with a lawn. Many people prefer to decorate the garden and yard with lush flowers, ornamental plants, grow greens or cucumbers. The choice of large outdoor pots should be considered more carefully and find the best place to buy large planters in the UK. There are certain selection criteria to suit the needs of your plants and to match the pot to your garden area.

How to choose a large garden planter?

Choosing a large planter can be quite a tricky process, especially if you’re looking for it for a specific plant. It is much easier to purchase pots for an existing plant when you know its root structure, material and soil preferences. The plant has grown and you need a larger pot. But if you are buying this for the first time then follow the simple points:


  • Study your garden; don’t use a large planter if you have a small area. Large pots will take up a lot of free space, so choose them for a large garden. Choose a suitable place; the pot should not interfere with you. Also, the place depends on the lighting that the plant in the pot needs. Usually huge pots are placed under the fence, in the corner or in the middle of the garden as the main decoration. You can also make a large planter the centre piece of an overall flower arrangement.


  • Now you need to choose the shape of the pot. Do you want a large size but will it be round or rectangular? To make a choice, you need to know the structural features of the root system of the plant that you will grow in this pot. There are plants with long roots, there is a root system with a more horizontal lush growth system. Study your plant and this will help you choose the right shaped flower pot. You may think that the large size will allow the roots to grow comfortably in any direction, but this is not correct. The plant should grow as it would be comfortable in natural soil.


  • The material is very important because you will be growing plants outdoors. It can be treated wood, concrete, stone or plastic. It is important to remember that some materials take in more sunlight and heat up the roots. Others may retain moisture inside the pot, so these plants need to be watered less often to keep the root system from rotting. Pay attention to the strength of the flower pot and its resistance to temperature changes. Many people prefer ceramics because they are inexpensive, durable and look natural. But make sure it’s good quality because bad ceramics can be flimsy and crack.


For many flower growers, the design of the pot is important. Of course, this is one of the selection criteria to make your garden look beautiful. The modern market offers a huge selection of all kinds of colours and designs; here you make the decision yourself. Wood looks more natural, and stone looks aesthetically pleasing and noble. Concrete looks more luxurious and will complement any landscape.


When choosing a large garden planter you need to pay special attention. Your plants deserve to be beautiful and healthy so choose the best pot with the right shape, style, colour and material. Darker colours attract the sun’s rays, light colours do not heat up the pot and the soil inside. You can also ask consultants about the plant you plan to grow. For example, ornamental trees need a more stable pot than simple flowers. Each plant has its own characteristics, so study this before buying a flower pot. Also keep in mind that large planters are harder to move as the soil inside will add weight to them. A little work and you will enjoy your cozy and luxurious garden full of plants and flowers with their incredible aroma.

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