How to Create a Home Office that Boosts Productivity

While working at home can seem incredibly ideal, for others, it’s a struggle. The procrastinators typically fall into this band the most, as the oozing appeal of home comforts distracts them from their work. After all, there’s no manager around to keep an eye on things, and some home workers can get away with chopping off a few minutes of work time here and there for some undeserved relaxation. Consequently, you must ensure that your home office increases your productivity. Staying on task is incredibly important when working from home, and while a great deal of it comes down to willpower, your efficiency can also be influenced by your surroundings. Therefore, here’s how to create a home office that boosts productivity.


Small Clocks

If you’ve ever seen a film or TV show that’s at least partially set in an office, no doubt you remember those tiny clocks on the walls that display the different times in different countries and their capital cities. Well, while it might seem like a pretentious arrangement, these clocks might just give you a bit of an edge in your work. While those little clocks might just remind you of the world outside, they can also help you be productive too.

If you’re working from home, you will be communicating predominantly through email or phone calls. Therefore, if you’re part of a global team and need to get into contact with people overseas, an awareness of their time zone will prevent you from disturbing them during sleeping or meeting hours. Moreover, a quick acknowledgement that life is going on elsewhere may help you feel less alone and more connected with the world.


Workout Gear

When you’re working from home, you’re stuck inside all day, mostly confined to that single office space. Therefore, anything that helps you shatter that notion is a big plus and will boost your physical and mental health. You don’t want to feel trapped, isolated or start feeling sorry for yourself, so exercising can really remind you of your life outside the office grind. Remember, many already know that exercise increases productivity, so consider adding some gym equipment to the space. Granted, you’re not running a gym, so don’t overdo it. Still, there are desk-treadmill combinations out there, so don’t be hesitant to inject a minor exercise regimen into your home office. After all, you might be able to think big when you’re on the treadmill rather than slumped in a desk chair with your head in your hands!



Splash of Colour

A productive office space doesn’t mean a boring office space. There’s no need to be overly formal with the whole thing, or make your workspace resemble something from a corporate setting. While it’s important that your work area is practical, this doesn’t mean you need to go overboard and start painting the walls in hues of greys and whites (unless you legitimately love those colours). No matter what, you should avoid any colours you find boring and dull. One of the benefits of home working is that a little splash of your personality can be put into your surroundings. Whether it’s some colourful and quirky additions to the space or bright and cheerfully painted walls, sometimes the colours of a room can really lift your mood. If you love your workspace then you’re more likely to love your work too, so really consider incorporating an appealing colour scheme to your office.


Mini Fridge

If you think of the typical corporate space, then you’ll know that quick breaks are rarely just that. To go on a break, employees will first save all their work, then gather their things, lock down their computer, walk across the office floor, go downstairs (sometimes multiple floors), start chatting to co-workers, and only then rummage for their snack in the fridge. In the end, each little thing takes up time that could otherwise be spent working. However, if you put a mini fridge in your home office, you can cut the time spent walking around and preparing snacks. After all, if you live with others, you don’t want to bump into someone in your kitchen and be roped into a discussion, as you need to get back to work! While you shouldn’t stock your mini fridge up with tons of booze for the working day, a little chocolate bar and a cold drink can quickly refresh you so that you can quickly get back to work.










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