Make Learning More Fun With These Tips

For many of us, learning can be a real bore. The trouble is, we never truly stop doing it! We learn throughout our lives, so, it makes sense to have fun while we do it. Here are some cool tips to help you do just that:



Technology is such a good way to make learning fun for everyone. If you have something to learn, then make the most out of modern technology. Get a tablet and download fun apps and games that help you learn important things for school/university. Head online and use all the fun and high-tech revision resources that are out there right now. Who knows, in the next few years, we may even use virtual reality headsets to help with learning! Imagine that, you put a headset on and get taken to a scene from history that you have to learn about. It would be hands-on learning at its very best.


Kids love technology too, so, if you’re trying to teach a child something, this is the way to go. Plus, you get a double effect from this too. Your child starts learning a valuable skill at the same time. They learn how to use computers/tablets, which is essential in this modern world!




Everyone loves getting rewarded for doing something properly. No matter how old we are, we can’t shake that proud feeling of getting an award. You can make learning more fun by giving yourself rewards now and then. These can be things you want but know you don’t deserve until you’ve learned some revision notes. For example, you desperately want a pizza, but, you have work to do. So, learn those notes and reward yourself with pizza.




There are even places like Trophies Plus Medals that sell little custom trophies you could buy. Perhaps at the end of an academic year, you give yourself a trophy to remind you of the hard work you put in. Or, let’s say you’re trying to encourage others to learn. Maybe you’re a parent or a teacher? Either way, little trophies, and rewards will go a long way to making learning more fun.


One thing I find very helpful is when you learn about things that are relevant to you. The problem is, it feels as though most of what we learn is irrelevant. How many of you have groaned whenever you saw you had to do algebra in your maths class? I know I did, and I groaned about lots of other things I had to learn too! 

The trick is trying to bring relevance to things you find boring.

Come up with scenarios where they may be helpful in everyday life.

Or, think of things from different perspectives that speak to you more deeply. At the very least, this encourages you to have some fun when you learn. Instead of boringly copying notes, you’re at least trying to engage in the work.

All of these tips are perfect if you want to make learning more fun! Remember, they don’t just apply to you. If you have children that need teaching, apply these tips to make them get more fun out of it.


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