
Reverse Mohawk Hairstyle

The reverse mohawk, often referred to as a “rat tail” or “anti-mohawk,” is a bold and unconventional hairstyle that flips the traditional mohawk on its head. Unlike the classic mohawk, which features shaved sides with a strip of longer hair…

Why we all love mascots (including funny videos)

Mascots, you’ve got to love them! Most well known in the World of sport, according to wikipedia a mascot is “any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck, or anything used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as…

Dirty Car Window Art Pictures

Cool pictures of dirty car window art from around the World. Dirty car windows for the majority of us is a pain, especially when a passer by writes on your windows ‘I wish my wife was this dirty’. There are…

Thermosaurus Rex

Surely this has to be the coolest radiator you can possibly buy for your children’s dionsaur themed bedroom. Radiators aren’t the most exciting things to look at lets face it but Thermosaurus is made of cast iron and installs like…

Top 10 insanely crazy Kickstarter campaigns

Before this list of insane Kickstarter campaigns can start, we need to clarify how we have measured the projects. When looking at how “crazy” a Kickstarter project is, we took into account the following three aspects: 1. The ridiculousness of…


Ketchupbot with music has to be one of the only videos that consistently makes me giggle. I don’t know if it’s funny because you just know someone out there has put a ton of hours into creating this. No idea….

May The Forth Be With You

Today is May 4th. For all fellow Star Wars fans out there, it’s another excuse to talk about Star Wars…like we ever need an excuse 🙂 We’ve collected our favourite Star Wars pics and gifs from the past few months…

Collection of crazy haircuts

Showcasing some really bad and oh wow haircut pictures from around the World. A haircut is a statement. There are many types of haircut from the hot haircut, the big haircut, retro haircut to the really bad haircut. See which ones…

The World’s Most Unusual Bar Games

Walk into any bar in the USA and you’re likely to see a group of guys, Bud in one hand, pool cue in the other. There’s likely to be someone in the corner flipping away on pinball, or a collection…

Cool…and Not So Cool Haircuts

A collection of pictures of some of the worst and craziest haircuts from around the World. A haircut is a statement. There are many types of haircut from the hot haircut, the big haircut, retro haircut to the really bad haircut….

25 Funny Country Song Titles

Here’s a list of 25 funny country song titles: 1. Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth Cause I’m Kissing You Good-bye. 2. I Don’t Know Whether To Kill Myself or Go Bowling. 3. If I Can’t Be Number One In…

Brilliant Quotes From Famous Folk

Showcasing a list of inspirational and motivational quotes from famous people past and present, from Einstein and Churchill to Marx. “He who laughs last didn’t get it.” Helen Giangregorio “The best day of your life is the one on which…