Simple tips for increasing your home’s value

Whether you’re planning to sell your home or not, it’s important to do two things: pay attention to the real estate market and make small but constant efforts to increase your home’s value. Unless you have solid, untouchable plans to live in your home until retirement, chances are, you’re going to move out and move on eventually. When this day comes, you want your home to be as valuable to buyers as possible. 

Here are some simple tips for increasing your home’s value today:


Renovate the interior

An interior renovation is a sure-fire way to increase your home’s value, as that’s the first thing the new homeowner will want to do when moving into a tired, old-fashioned home. Obviously, renovations cost a lot of money, and don’t happen overnight. Instead of spending thousands to turn your home into a show-home in a week, do the odd touch-up when you have time for it. Focus on the things you can do yourself first – you’d be surprised at just how beautiful a home can look with a DIY touch

Improve your energy efficiency

Maybe you personally wouldn’t judge the compatibility of a house for your family by the windows, but they do affect a home’s market value. Windows that let out a lot of heat aren’t considered energy-efficient; and nor, for that matter, are poorly-insulated walls (including your attic space). Improving your home’s energy efficiency is something that you can benefit from, too. You’ll be able to save money on your heating bills, and if you install energy efficient appliances like boilers and light bulbs, you won’t needlessly waste your cash while they’re running. 


Add security features

No matter how big or small your home is, security features are a major selling point. Things like security cameras and motion-sensor garden lights can add another tick to your home’s list of valuable features. You may also want to change your locks if they’re old and clunky, or simply to give your new homeowners peace of mind that only they will have access to your home going forward. 

You can find out more about what you’ll need to change your commercial home’s locks at It goes without saying that unless you happen to have professional locksmith skills, you should leave this job to the experts. 


Get out the paint

One of the simplest and most wallet-friendly solutions for increasing your home’s value is to give the place a paint job. If the exterior of your home is painted, consider brightening up its current colour or going for something completely new. You can do the same for your interior walls, either giving a fresh look to what’s already there, or changing a colour altogether. 

Just remember that it’s often a bad idea to go for trends in this case. Even if your home is on the market right now, it might sit there for a couple of years before a sale, and by that time, your chosen colour might be right out of fashion. Go for what you think looks nice (and fairly neutral) instead. 

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