4 of the best reasons to get a travel buddy

The trend for solo holidays has been growing in recent years. The Association of British Travel Agents reports that over one in six Brits chose to get away by themselves in 2018, rising from one in nine in 2017. Yet there are many reasons why travelling with a partner or friend can be a much more enjoyable and rewarding experience. From building long-lasting relationships to feeling more secure when you’re out of your comfort zone, here are four of the best reasons to get a travel buddy for your next trip.

Shared experiences

The things we do, see and experience on our travels have the power to change our entire outlook on the world and create lifelong memories. But no matter where in the world we find ourselves, even the most extrovert among us can feel lonely from time to time.

Thankfully, having a buddy by your side offers a sense of companionship and can enrich those moments even further. As you learn more about each other and the world around you, you’ll build the kind of bond that can’t be broken.

Equal responsibility

There’s no getting away from it: travel can be stressful sometimes. From booking flights and accommodation to finding your way around once you’re there, it can be overwhelming to tackle so many tasks on your own.

But with a partner to share the load, you’ll never be short of a second opinion. You can play to your different strengths too; while you may thrive on finding great places to eat, your companion can step up when it’s time to haggle over the price. A problem shared is a problem halved, after all.

Reduced costs

Travelling as a two will also almost always work out cheaper. With web-duo tickets, travel to the airport, or to activities and accommodation on the other side can be much cheaper and sharing the cost is a great way to make your money go further and get more out of your trip.

Alternatively, you could spend the same as you would if you were going solo but upgrade certain elements for extra comfort. You’ll be able to go halves on meals, too – split the bill and split the calories!


Whether you’re a selfie addict or a little more camera shy, it’s hard not to appreciate the joy of having a collection of photographs from your trip to look back on in years to come.

And while you can simply take snaps of sight after sight yourself, adding a human element will give each photo an extra sense of meaning. You won’t need to worry about awkward angles or asking strangers to have a go themselves, either.

Are you planning your next trip alone? Ask a partner, friend or family member and see just how much they add to your experience.

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