5 Things That You Should Cut Out Of Your Life This Month

Do you find that your life is passing you by, but you don’t have time to enjoy it? You might be living a lifestyle that involves things that have no real benefit to you and could be negatively affecting your health. For this reason, we have put together a list of the things that we think you should cut out of your life this month. This will include everything from your scales to any sort of negativity that is in it. Make sure to keep reading if you would like to find out more.



The first thing on our list is smoking as this can have very harmful effects on your body. When you smoke, you are putting harmful substances into your body that shouldn’t be there and when you are addicted to smoking, you are doing this all of the time. This month, it is time to cut smoking out of your life.

If you still need your nicotine fix then don’t worry because there are options available here that can work as good alternatives to smoking. Make sure to give this a go and get your health back on track.


Your Scales

Do you spend time every day on the scales figuring out how much weight you have put on? This can be very harmful as you will find that you will soon become a slave to your scales needing to check them every single time that you eat. The truth about your weight is that it can fluctuate during the day and so weighing at different times can alter the results.

It’s time to cut your scales out of your life and only weigh yourself when you need to. Often, you’ll find that your measurements can change when your weight isn’t, so this is not always an accurate representation anyway.



The next thing on our list of things that you should cut out of your life this month is negativity. Negativity can come in many different forms whether that is being negative about yourself or having others that are negative in your life. If you find that there is someone who is constantly bringing you down, then you need to think about making a change. Talk to this person and let them know how you are feeling. If they continue to be negative, try to take some space from them.

Negativity can have a huge effect on your mental health so try to stay as positive as you can, and this will help you a lot.

Exercises You Hate

Do you hate running on the treadmill? If this is the case, then it might be time to cut this out of your life. We’re not saying that you should cut out all cardio, especially if you have some fitness goals but there are always alternatives. When you are getting fit, it is important that you are enjoying yourself, so we advise that you do exercises that you enjoy doing.

It’s time to cut any exercises that you truly hate out of your regime. This way, you will be less likely to quit as soon as you won’t hate working out as much. Make a list of the exercises that you don’t mind doing and talk to your trainer about adjusting your fitness plan.


Social Media

The final thing on our list of things that you should cut out of your life this month is social media. Social media can be very toxic and if you find yourself constantly scrolling through your feed comparing yourself to others then it might be time to take a break.

A social media detox can be the perfect way to give yourself the motivation to achieve your goals. You might find that you have a lot more time to do things and you’ll also have a lot less negativity in your life. Think about taking a break, putting your phone away and seeing what life is like without social media. You might just enjoy the peace and quiet of it all.



When it comes to cutting things out of your life, it is all down to personal preference. We believe that you should always be cutting negative people out of your life in order to have the best possible experience doing what you love. If you find that someone is getting you down, then you might want to let them know.

When cutting things out of your life this month, make sure to focus on what you enjoy and what is affecting your mental health. Make sure to take on board all of the advice that we have given you and you should be able to make the right decision when it comes to making the cut.

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