Benefits of extending your office to remote locations

Remote working is becoming an industry standard these days, particularly among digital workers. However, many organisations are afraid of this departure from traditional working practices, and also tend to be unsure of how to manage it effectively.


However, with the right company mindset and the right team of people, it can actually be a really positive thing for the company, and for the workers themselves. With technology improving that is enabling us to communicate with remote workers via things like Unified Communications; it’s easy in terms of practical aspects, too.

We’ve put together a list of some of the main advantages of extending your office to remote locations, via hiring remote workers.

It works really well for a lot of employees

The whole 9-5 office hours don’t work very well for everyone, especially for those who have commitments outside of the office, or if they have mobility issues, for example. Therefore, a main huge advantage of having some of your employees working remotely is simply that many of them like it, and it works really well for them.


It has been said to increase productivity

One of the main concerns employers have when considering extending their office to remote locations is that productivity will decrease. However, there have been a lot of studies into this which highlights the contrary. Although the workers may not work the traditional 9-5 hours, they are likely to put in just as many hours if not more than office based employees, and don’t have to worry about things like commuting times; which they can now spend working. There’s a great article here regarding inbox management used to increase productivity in the work place if you’d like further info on that, too.


It illustrates to staff that they are trusted

If you have staff that are working from home where they will not be watched by you like they normally would, this will automatically show them that you trust them to work without you, and to do just as good of a job as if you were in the office environment. This is great for boosting morale in your team.


It can save on office space and company spending

Hiring remote workers is a great way to cut down on office space, as simply…you won’t need it! You also will save money when it comes to things like office expenditures, as there will be less people using equipment and resources. This is one of the most appealing aspects of extending the office environment to remote locations for employers and business owners. There’s a useful article here detailing more ideas on how to lower costs for your business, too.


You can hire people all over the globe

This great for when expanding your company globally and securing clients from all over the world but it also makes communication with clients across the world easier. For example, you can hire workers in a country where you have clients there, so they can communicate with them in their own, convenient time zone.

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