Essential Dog Gear for Urban Living: Navigating the City with Your Pup

If you own a pooch, you know very well that physical exercise is a must-do, especially if your pup is one of those hyperactive, very excited dog breeds like the national sweetheart, Bull Dogs or everybody’s favourite, the Golden Retriever.

Physical exercises, although great for channelling your pup’s energy and necessary for physical development, are also a good way to bond with your pup when done right. So whether you are out walking in the summer, running or jogging in the winter, or hiking your favourite mountain path with your pooch, you need the right dog gear for navigating your city with your pup.

Wondering what these gears are? You have come to the right place!

Below, this article introduces you to the most prioritized dog gear for enjoying the outdoors with your pup:

Dog harness

A personalised dog harness is the perfect gear to keep your dog by your side for long walks around your city. Not only is it fashionable and a thoughtful item to get for your pup, but it also helps in your pup’s comfortable mobility such that a leash attached to a collar (which is the other alternative) does not pull at your pup’s neck, making it difficult to breathe while on a walk or run. A dog harness will also give you greater control over your dog’s movements which is essential when touring the outdoors with bigger and energetic breeds.


While you may have no weather restrictions to exploring the city with your pup, you have to prepare your pup for the weather conditions so as not to expose it to harm. For instance, go with enough quantity of water in a water bottle for hot weather, weather-appropriate attire and footwear for the cold weather and the like.

Light up dog collar

A luminous dog collar is not appealing just for the fun and rave of it but because it is a safety caution when outdoors with your pup, especially when out in the woods, on a hike, gone camping, or in a crowded place on an evening filled with the hustle and bustle of the city. This way, you won’t find it hard to track your dog if it wanders off to play or explore the environment.

Poo bags

What could go wrong on a harmless walk in the park with your pooch? Maybe a time when your dog needs to relieve itself of waste? To not cause an environmental hazard, make the area uncomfortable for other pets and their parents or be that “messy” pup parent, you have to come period for such scenarios. So some extra dog poo bags and wipes and also poo bag holders will go a long way to keep your breed’s bowels happy and also observe good hygiene in the process.

The dog gear list for urban living is non-exhaustive. However, our curated list here highlights the essentials for any activity you might want to experience with your pup in your urban neighbourhood.

What is your favourite activity to do with your pooch in your city?


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