3 Things You Should Know Before You Get an FUE Hair Transplant

Deciding to opt for hair transplant surgery is a major decision, and it’s important to get all the facts before you decide which type of hair transplant surgery is right for you. Here are three things you should know before you get a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant.


You’re Far from Alone in Being a Candidate

If you’re worried about being in the minority of those who need a FUE hair transplant, know that you’re far from alone. Almost two in five British men lose part or all of their hair. FUE hair transplants are increasingly common as a solution to the problem of hair loss.

There is one word of warning, though – if you’re losing your hair, you may be tempted to rush out to get a hair transplant. However, if you’re early in the process, or under the age of 30, this may not be wise. The sooner you have a hair transplant done, the greater the risk that you will need a second or third procedure later. While FUE allows you to have another session shortly after a recent one has healed, you don’t want to rush it and end up having repeat sessions. Consult with a professional to identify the right time for a hair transplant.

Why FUE Is Better than FUT

There are a number of reasons why Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, hair transplants are preferred over Follicular Unit Transplant, or FUT. Patients prefer FUE because it involves less pain and bleeding; it is minimally invasive. Stem cell FUE makes donor hair harvesting faster and easier than it used to be, so modern FUE is more comfortable than the procedure was even ten years ago.

There are other points in favour of FUE over FUT, as well. For one, there will be no linear scar; it creates the most natural looking hairline. It can also be used on tight scalps. FUE is the only option if you have a limited supply of “donor” hair.

However, you should always consult with one or more hair transplant experts, because FUE may not be the best option for you. You may have personal risk factors that mean you’re not a candidate for FUE. In other cases, you may need to address the root cause of your hair loss such as the possibility that you have an autoimmune disorder before you can have the procedure done.

The Importance of After-Care and Preparation

The end result will mostly depend on the doctor’s quality of work, but that can be impacted by preparation before the procedure and after-care. Always discuss pre-op and post-op care with your doctor. Take the time to learn the long list of things you have to avoid after the hair transplant so that you do not undo the surgeon’s work. Also, make sure you can abide by the recovery period so you don’t rush back to normal activities too soon and have the same adverse impact.

Another matter to discuss are the possible side effects of the procedure. Common side effects include bleeding, swelling, and numbness in the treated area. If you know what to expect, you will be able to tell the difference between normal and abnormal side effects.

FUE is one of the most popular and best overall hair transplant procedures, but it isn’t right for everyone. Take the time to do your research and ask plenty of questions of medical experts before you make a decision.


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