How To Sell Your Antiques

There’s lots of reasons that you might decide to sell some of the antiques that you may be in possession of. It could be that you are moving and they won’t fit into your new home. It could be that you are redecorating and they style or period of the antiques no longer matches your interior design. Or it could be a financial decision, if you are needing to improve your cashflow then one way of raising some funds is to realise the value of some of your possessions.

In this article we take a look at some of the different ways in which you can sell your antiques.

Utilise the services of an antique dealer

A reputable antiques dealer will generally be able to appraise the value of the antiques that you have for sale and give you an upfront price for your goods – buying them from you so that they can then add your pieces to their inventory. It is important that you do your research on potential dealers, shop around and make sure that you are getting the best price for what you have to offer. If you look too desperate and take the first price that is offered then it is likely that you are not getting the best value for what you are looking to sell.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Sell your goods at an auction

Antique auctions can be a fairly tense affair but the advantage is that if you get a couple of buyers interested in what you are selling then they may push each other’s bid higher and higher to ensure that you get the best price possible. The other advantage of an auction is that you can set a reserve price to ensure that you are not bound to sell your goods if it hasn’t reached the minimum value that you are looking for. However the auction house that you are using will take a percentage of the sale price as its commission, so it’s important to clarify how much this will be before placing your goods for sale.

Set up your stall at markets and fairs

Why not take your items to a local antique fair and see if you can attract some interest from the bargain hunters rummaging through the various stalls. It often depends on what you are trying to sell as to which market or fair would be best suited to you. There are specialist antique fairs if you have antiques to sell, or if you just have some vintage items that you are looking to unload then something like a flea market might be more appropriate. Another option is to sell your antiques online at Love Antiques – online sales options give you the convenience of not having to transport your goods and also gives you greater control of the sales process.

It can be a difficult emotional decision to part with your antiques or beloved items, so make sure that you put a bit of planning and thought into how you’re going to sell your antiques in order to make sure that you get the best value possible.

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