Negative Space Illustrations By Noma Bar

I’ve only recently comes across the illustrations of Israeli illustrator Noma Bar, whose mastery of negative space (the space between and around the subjects of an image, which can frame another subject in and of itself) I thought was so cool. It’s like brain food meets eye candy and the results are so eye catching.

Noma Bar loves to tell visual stories within images. He creates graphic forms with political and social commentary, or manipulate everyday icons to create witty, double-take images that make you look once, twice, three times. With his bold use of colours, shapes and pared down iconography, Noma Bar captures the spirit of a person or the heart of an issue with arresting clarity and humour and his instantly recognisable style has established him as one of the world’s most in-demand illustrators.

Here I showcase some of my favourite illustrations from Noma Bar and hope you enjoy them as much as I do. There’s also a video below these following images which I recommend you watch all about Noma Bar and negative space.

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Noma Bar Books For Sale

I haven’t bought either of these Noma Bar books yet but judging by the reviews, they are well worth getting, especially the Negative Space book which would look cool on any coffee table!


Noma Bar & Negative Space Video

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