Remote Work for IT Professionals: Why It Can Benefit Your Company

These days, employees don’t have to go to the office to report for work. With video communication solutions, IT employees can now work from anywhere, whether at home, from the café next door or a distant continent. If you want to take advantage of that, it might be time to consider adding remote work to your HR policy. Take a look at what you can expect when you make remote work a part of your company:


Employees are less stressed

Remote working employees are less stressed, says the Tech Republic. That’s certainly true since they suffer less commuting stress. Video effectively does away with the need to clock in and out of the office so employees no longer have to be tied to their desks for the nine-to-five grind.


Employees enjoy greater flexibility

More are demanding flexibility from their work, with 74 percent of employees citing work-life balance as the ultimate goal, says the Entrepreneur. Health and family reasons came in second, with 52 percent for each one, while time savings took the fourth spot at 47 percent. This was followed by cost savings at 43 percent.


Employees have more time

What happens when you take commuting hours out of the equation? Maybe not much. Some spend about two hours going to and from the office. That means two extra hours workers can use to sleep, putter around the house, set things to rights or even just play with the dog. But imagine if you spent about two hours going to work and then another two to three hours getting home because of the brutal traffic, unexpected train or bus delays and dealing with the crush of people every day, with someone’s elbow in your gut or your face pressed to someone’s armpit. Now imagine if you took those extra hours out of every day, what would change? A lot. With less stress to deal with, employees can start the day right. They can report to work, their minds fresh and ready to take on anything that the day has to offer, whether it be tight deadlines or last-minute revisions.


Remote work is now easier than ever

It used to be that remote work was a threat to connectivity. It was complex and required expensive hardware to function. That wasn’t all. You had to employ high-talent IT staff to look after the system too. That meant every video call, every single video conference required IT employees to be on standby. Not anymore, though. With video meeting services for IT from providers like BlueJeans, all you have to do is download the software, install it and you’re good to go. Since user interface is simple and easy to understand, you won’t have a problem finding your way around the technology. With this communication tool, you can channel your IT resources to more challenging tasks.


Remote work is cost-effective

It used to cost an arm and a leg (and sometimes another leg!) to put up a communication infrastructure with video system capabilities. Then you had to spend on costly hardware upgrades every few years. That made it difficult for startups or midsize companies to make video conferencing a part of their business. These days, though, the technology is more cost-effective. No costly upgrades or complex systems necessary. Also, since it removes the need to travel, companies can save on travel costs, including other expenses that come with travel such as food allowance, accommodations and even venue charges.


Companies have happier employees

With a video system, employees have less stress to contend with, and have more time. With more time comes better work-life balance and better health. No need to survive on four hours of sleep every night just to wake up extra early for your morning commutes. Employees have more time to rest, spend with their families and or dedicate to a hobby or exercise, all of which makes for happier employees. And as everyone knows, happier employees are much more productive. They don’t waste time on too many breaks or water cooler gossip. They get the job done and done right.


Companies see high retention

Another benefit to working remote is that job satisfaction levels are high. The less stressed your employees are, the better they work. Some employees take telecommuting perks as a sign that the company cares for their well-being. This has a hugely positive effect, so employees are more motivated to deliver, to meet or even exceed standards. They’re also less likely to up and leave the company, resulting in high employee retention levels.


So if you still haven’t made remote work a part of your company, it might be time you considered that stance. If you want your IT team to enjoy going to work again, give them the flexibility they need to build better lives outside of the job they have.



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