Top Stress Triggers in your House that may Affect Your Mental Health

A home is much more than a structure that provides safety and protects you from the weather elements. It is a physical representation of your personality, interests, and even family. Therefore, homes have a significant impact on our feelings and attitudes. Thus, when there are certain harmful elements in your space, your mental health is affected negatively. To reduce the stress levels, you can identify specific things that act as triggers. Here are some of them.


House Condition

According to scientific research, there is a strong relationship between poor housing conditions and mental health conditions like depression. Poor house conditions include issues like poor ventilation in the house, poor lighting, and poor services. Spaces where you can hardly breathe some fresh air, and have to use artificial light at all times, affect the state of your mind. The feeling of suffocation is not only felt by the lungs, but by your brain as well. When renting, the level of control you have over such issues is limited. Perhaps it’s time you got on and found a house that does not threaten your mental health.



When searching for a house, location is a huge factor to consider. Neighbourhoods filled with trash, unkempt houses with overgrown lawns, may trigger your emotional wellbeing. Additionally, regions where the rate of crime, vandalism, or drug abuse is high, the mental distress levels may rise. The levels of fear and uncertainty about your safety are unnerving and could affect you significantly. This triggers stress, which may later develop into severe mental conditions like schizophrenia. Such neighbourhoods also trigger hostility among neighbours, which further damages people’s mental states. Since you cannot change the whole area’s attitudes, this is an indicator that you need a new home. A home needs to be a safe place where you do not have to look over your shoulder continually.


Clutter and Disorganisation

When your house is in a complete mess, you can never think that a mental health issue may crop up from the chaos. Well, this is a huge possibility. The clutter in your house triggers feelings of excess baggage that you have to confront. Finding things amidst a huge mess is both physically and mentally exhausting. To avoid this, develop a system of organisation.

Right from when you enter the house, create a space where you stash your keys, hang your coat, and move seamlessly through the rest of the house. When you let a mess build-up, it becomes even harder to clean. So, strive to stay organised at all times to reduce your workload. For example, you could do your laundry every two days instead of weekly to reduce the work. If you have too many items compared to the house space, you could find exterior storage space, where you can store all unnecessary elements.


House Layout

House plans have changed significantly over the years. This is due to changing preferences and the need to achieve spaces that are more than just rooms. Thus, open plan houses are enormous in the market. Freed up areas offer you the chance to create a home. You can apply all your creativity to make the space feel like home. Such provisions are beneficial to your mental health. This is not the same case with rigid areas separated by walls. Walls that segment the spaces in the house are often permanent. Thus, this stops you from making massive changes such as demolishing a wall, especially if you are renting. Protecting your mental health may be all the push you need to start looking at houses.


Paint Colors

Colour has a considerable effect on how your mind works. The paint in your house has a significant impact on your mood, stress levels, and overall behaviour. Luckily, colour is a pretty affordable and straightforward element to change in a house.  Most people who let their homes may also allow you to change the paint to whichever fits your preference. When looking for colours, consider blue for the bedroom. Blue has soft and neutral tones that may help you sleep better instead of stimulating your mind. Other colours to think to include’ green, pale pink, grey, tan or white.

Ensure that all colours are soft and soothing since there can be versions of the same that are confronting. It is also essential to consider the purpose of the room. For example, you may use a soothing blue for the living area since you need to feel relaxed in that space. On the other hand, you may consider a shouting pigmented blue for the study area, which stimulates your brain for activity.

People often live in spaces out of necessity without realising how much they affect their mental wellbeing. When shopping for houses consider the above factors, as they go a long way in ensuring that your house is a home. You could also ask for assistance from a mental health professional or even the realtor. Mental health is a rising health concern, be cautious of the triggers.



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