7 Simple Ways To Create An Outdoor Entertainment Space In Your Garden

Staying indoors might have lost its appeal in recent months, which is why it’s time to make the most of whatever outdoor space you have to hand. Don’t just do the bare minimum though, as an entertainment area is far easier to pull together than you might think, if you use these 7 tips:

Make the furniture super comfortable

If you need some inspiration for your seating, look no further than the garden furniture from vidaxl.co.uk, trend reports by House Beautiful or even your neighbours’ gardens, if they’ve already finished their revamps! You’ll want to invest in something that has more of a sofa than a deckchair vibe, with rattan styles being particularly popular. Cushions should be encased in waterproof covers and don’t skimp on selecting the matching coffee table too. Remember that the idea is to install furniture that is as comfortable as the pieces in your living room, just outdoors.

Include somewhere to eat and cook

No garden entertainment space is complete without somewhere to enjoy some food and to cook it too, when the weather allows. A patio area with a dining table and barbecue is anything but basic when you invest in a fancy gas-powered grill, or one of the must-have additions: a pizza oven! Coordinate your dining furniture to match the seating too and you’ll have something that looks high-end and curated.


Address temperature issues

A little air-con for summer and some heaters for winter will go a long way to helping you get year-round use out of your new entertainment area. If you prefer to keep things low-key, a fire pit will work well in place of expensive patio heaters and, in summer, some simple fans attached to your gazebo or cover structure will work well.

Don’t forget to weatherproof

The UK doesn’t have a great reputation when it comes to the weather, so always plan for the worst case scenario. You might think that’s just a drizzle or two, but it could be a torrential downpour, so you’ll want any rain covers to be up to the task. A pull-out awning can be an understated solution that doesn’t have to be in place all the time, or, a roofed gazebo with optional drop-down sides can also work well. It depends on what style of outdoor area you are looking to create!

Add plenty of technology

If you’re looking to entertain, then always think about adding some technology into the mix. Even just a simple Bluetooth speaker will work well for adding some tunes and ambience to any gathering, but what about going the extra mile and investing in a projector and screen? Film nights on the patio, snuggled under a blanket and in front of a fire pit always sound like a good idea.


Cater to the kids

Don’t forget the little ones when you’re designing your ultimate garden entertainment zone. They might not want to just sit in the patio, so it pays to add their needs into the mix too. If you have the space available, a turfed area works well, with a climbing frame or something similar. Anything to keep them safely amused!

Include plenty of storage

Finally, remember to add storage to your space. Even if it’s just a waterproof trunk that you can put all your cushions and outdoor toys in at the end of the evening. You want to be able to reset the area ready for the next use, and storage will be a key component that lets this happen.


Don’t let unreliable UK weather put you off transforming your garden, as come summer next year, you’ll be so glad you got it ready for endless outdoor entertaining.


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