5 Interview Tips To Land A Finance Job

Falling at the final hurdle is never fun. Nevertheless, that’s exactly what will happen if you blow it at your next interview. Interviews are intimidating…and are supposed to be intimidating. After all, this is typically the final stage in the screening process – to ultimately determine whether or not you land that finance job. The question being – what can you do to boost your chances of nailing it? Whether you choose to try and get a job interview yourself or by using a specialist finance recruitment company such as Beacon Staffing, these five tips will help you succeed in your interview and help you land a job in finance:


Study the role in detail

First and foremost, you shouldn’t need to ask a single question regarding what the advertised role entails. It’s up to you to carry out as much research as necessary, so that you know it inside-out by the time the interview rolls around.  The job description will detail the skills, experience and character traits the organisation is looking for. Armed with this knowledge, you should find it far easier to sell yourself as the ideal candidate for the role.


Ask about the interview process

Unless complete clarification is offered, feel free to ask questions regarding the format of the interview. In some instances, you’ll be looking at a single Q&A interview. In others, you may be required to give a presentation, sit a test or take part in some kind of group activity. You’ll need to be adequately prepared, so you’ll need to know exactly what to expect on the day. Employers always prefer candidates who clarify important details, rather than those who simply pretend they know what’s happening.


Bring a portfolio of work

You can’t expect your word to be taken at face value by those you’ve just met.  As such, you’ll benefit by bringing along a portfolio of your proudest and most recent work. If you can demonstrate your capacity to get the job done, you’ll be one step closer to landing the position. Reference letters, accreditations, case studies of completed projects – all stand to give you an edge over the competition. Bring two copies of all documents, just in case the interviewer wants to hold onto them.


Interview questions

In accordance with the position you’re applying for, head online and find a list of sample interview questions to expect. There will always be differences from one interview to the next, but there are certain standard questions you can expect to come up. Just don’t make the mistake of preparing synthetic or scripted answers ahead of time – they never go down well in an interview setting.


Always follow up

Last but not least, enthusiasm and courtesy should not be confused with impatience. Within 24 hours of the interview’s completion, send a personalised e-mail to the employer to thank them for taking the time to see you. Reiterate what makes you the perfect candidate for the job, remind them how you could benefit their organisation and communicate your gratitude for the opportunity in general. Even if you’re ultimately unsuccessful, you’re far more likely to be remembered by the employer for all the right reasons.




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