Find Out How You Can Backorder a Domain

Your startup needs a domain name, and you have created a catchy name, which perfectly suits your business. To acquire it, you check its availability. The domain search database shows it is taken. You are disappointed, for you need that domain to develop your business. You go back and check the site to find that the domain name is not in use. What can you do now? If you still believe that the domain can be of good use, you need not worry. You can backorder a domain, which can help you, though not immediately.


What is a domain backorder?

A domain backorder helps you to acquire a domain as and when it expires and is available for registration. When the owner or registrant of a domain fails to renew the registration, or lets it to expire for the reason that he or she doesn’t need it, such a domain is available for registration.

Nevertheless, the registrar offers the owner a short grace period of 30 days to let him or her renew the domain name at a higher price. The domain enters a 5-day ‘Pending delete’ state after the grace period. During this period no one can renew or purchase the domain. It is however made available after 5 days, and there is fierce competition among several services to acquire this valuable domain for their customers. Such services are called “domain backordering services” and buying the domain as and when it is available is referred to as “catching the dropped domain”.

How to backorder a domain?

You can find a reliable registrar, which offers domain backordering services. With the backorder snap system, they monitor your desired domain name, and try to snap it up once it is available. Nevertheless, you should understand that if you backorder a domain, it does not guarantee that you will get it, for the present owner of the domain may renew the registration.

Backordering a domain is not an easy process. The expired domains are most of the time publicly auctioned. To acquire it, you have to place a backorder by bidding for it at the right domain registration auction house. You need to do this before the domain reaches the expiration date. Here are the steps you need to follow for backordering a domain.

  1. If you know the domain registrar, you can search for a suitable domain name in their domain search database.
  2. For the preferred domain if taken, you can look up for the information like the registrar, validity and registrant
  3. When you know the registrar, you will know the auction site you need to go, for most registrars have an exclusive auction partner.
  4. You can place a bid. The backordering domain services will keep track of the domain until it is available, and try to register it for you.

With a domain backorder, you get to track and know the status of your desired domain name like when it will become available and will go for an auction. This is one of the common ways to acquire a perfect domain for your business.


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