How to make your business more sustainable

There’s no denying that the Coronavirus has forced everyone to face some significant challenges, including those of a physical, mental and financial nature. But among the struggles and the hardship there have also been some positives to come out of the situation.

Many people have been able to spend more time at home with their loved ones and some are developing new skills while, on a wider scale, the environment is beginning to benefit. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a huge drop in air pollution – undoubtedly a step in the right direction after decades of decline.

Calls are already being made for us to heed these lessons and do more to address our environmental impact once lockdown measures are lifted. Businesses have been hit hard by the crisis, with many forced to furlough staff and/or pause trading, but there’s no denying that companies up and down the country have a part to play in contributing towards a more sustainable future. Here are a few ways they can do that:


Introduce working from home

The social distancing measures mean huge numbers of people are now working from home and, for a lot of businesses, this practice could be introduced as an option for staff even when lockdown has ended. Advances in technology and faster connectivity speeds mean many can do their jobs just as adequately from a remote setting, and fewer commuters will mean a drastic drop in air pollution.


Use greener energy

In the long term, businesses may also want to think about the energy sources they use. Renewable forms of power such as solar or wind will require an initial investment but may help to cut overheads in the long run, while they will certainly contribute towards reducing an organisation’s carbon footprint.


Environmentally friendly delivery services

Goods providers may want to think about the delivery methods they use. With the majority of stores shut down at present, courier services are in high demand and the likes of Parcel2Go can help your business select those that go to greater lengths to soften their environmental impact.


Recyclable packaging

Altering the packaging of your products can also contribute towards a greener future. By doing away with plastic wrapping and, where possible, replacing it with materials such as cardboard, you’ll ensure that less waste is going to landfill. Instead, it can be recycled and used again.


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