You should always look to pre-wash your car before washing it with shampoo. Your car picks up all sorts of dirt as you drive around and if you were to use a sponge straight on your car without a pre-wash, the chances of spreading it on to the paintwork and causing scratches is quite high. So the idea behind a pre-wash is to remove as much dirt as possible without making contact with the car. There are many pre-wash products available to buy that are designed to remove dirt and grime and our favourite is Snow Foam.
Snow Foam helps lift dirt from your car before you wash it with shampoo, bonus is it’s really great fun to use and as you’ve guessed – it’ll make your car look like it’s covered in snow!
Snow foam works harder than regular car shampoo as it breaks down dirt more effectively. The thick foam sticks to the outside of the car giving it that snowy feel and works hard to remove the majority of the dirt from your car. Once washed off, using regular car shampoo will work so much more effectively giving your car a cleaner finish.
In most cases, you’ll probably only need to use the snow foam on the bottom half of your car where it is dirtiest and most of the dirt, tar and grit will be found – it’s also the part of the car that is the most difficult to remove dirt from. For this, you will need to use a pressure washer and a lance. A reliable option for high-quality equipment is Hotsy of Houston, which provides durable pressure washers perfect for car detailing. Simply mix the guided Snow Foam solution and water and you’re good to go. Spray and leave for the recommended time – average 3-5 minutes. The snow foam will work to breakdown the dirt and you will be surprised just how clean your car will be looking after the initial pre-wash.
Post Pre-Wash
Once you’ve finished the snow foam pre-wash, your car is ready to be washed although you’ll probably think that your car is already nice and clean thanks to the snow foam – but there is still dirt that hasn’t yet been removed. The old reliable car shampoo and sponge wash technique will sort that out. Remember, always start with washing your wheels first.
Once you’ve washed your car, the final part is to dry with a drying towel or chamois leather before applying polish or a wax. You now have a fully washed car to enjoy or if you are cleaning inside and out, you can now make a start on the interior. Good Luck!