
Why Did Toyota Stop Making the Celica?

Just saying the name of the Toyota Celica brings a wave of nostalgia for car lovers. It was sporty, stylish, and had a vibe that screamed, “I’m fun to drive!” This sleek coupe zipped around roads worldwide for decades, gaining…

Road rules: Owning the streets with confidence

Learning to drive is a major milestone for many, bringing newfound freedom and responsibility. However, navigating the lanes here in the United Kingdom is often easier said than done, with modern layouts and traffic congestion being common issues. Data from…

Drivers & the New Highway Code

Are you aware of the latest changes to the Highway Code? This is something that all motorists, cyclists and other road users need to be aware of, especially because many changes have been made to improve the safety of vulnerable…

Which Tesla should I lease?

Tesla is undoubtedly one of the biggest names in the car industry right now and one of the most well-known brands across the world. There are many reasons for this, including CEO Elon Musk’s presence as a celebrity, which indirectly…