10 Cool Car Accessories For 2018

Right now, it’s quick and easy to buy pretty much anything and everything you can think of for your car online. There’s never been a wider range of cool car accessories available to suit all preferences and pockets across the board. Gadgets vary in terms of use from the sublime to the well and truly ridiculous. But if looking to pick up something seriously cool for 2018, we’d highly recommend starting out with any of the following:


  1. Bestek Jump Starter

The Bestek Jump Starter scores maximum cool points because it completely rules out the embarrassment of getting stuck in a bind at the worst possible time.  Perhaps the single best device on the market right now for those inevitable occasional breakdowns.

Bestek Jump Starter
Bestek Jump Starter



  1. A Quality Car Bra

The perfect combination of style and protection for the front end of your ride, front end bras for cars are available to suit just about every make and model of vehicle on the market these days. A real 2018 must-have.



car bra
car bra


  1. The Ztylus Stinger

One of the most important safety accessories to launch in recent years, this little beauty has been designed to cut through your seatbelt and quickly break windows, if you find yourself stuck in your vehicle following an accident.


  1. Custom Windshield Shades

A custom fit windshield shade delivers coolness in two ways – physical and figurative. Why settle for generic when there are so many awesome custom designs to choose from?

Custom Windshield Shades
Custom Windshield Shades


  1. Fobo Tire Plus

Safety-conscious types who also value their gadgets will get a real kick out of this tiny little work of art. The Fobo connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and provides you with real-time updates on your car’s tire pressures.


  1. Tile Mate

An absolute must for anyone who constantly and consistently loses their keys, this is a simple yet ingenious keychain accessory that uses a mobile app to locate lost keys.



  1. Vantrue 

If looking for the kind of dashboard camera that goes beyond the usual generic garbage, the Vantrue kicks all the boxes with a super-wide-angle lens combined with 1080p adds up to one of the best cams of its kind on the market right now.


  1. Escort Max 360

The perfect early warning system for anyone out to detect speed traps as far in advance as possible. Just ensure that the Escort Max 360 is in fact legal to use in your own jurisdiction.


  1. Park-Zone PZ-1600

If you need a quality reverse parking sensor that don’t want to spend a fortune, the Park-Zone PZ-1600 has your name written all over it. Despite costing less than $25.00, it gets the job done with unbeatable reliability and precision.


  1. The Handpresso

Last but not least, the delightfully unnecessary and ostentatious nature of the Handpresso is what makes it a must-have gadget for 2018. After all, who can put a price on the ability to make an outstanding cup of coffee, without ever having to leave the comfort of their car?


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