How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Cyber Crime

The internet is an adult’s playground. Think of all the possibilities! You can stay in touch with your friends, plan events, catch up on the latest news, play games, shop for pretty much anything you could imagine, check out what your favorite celebrities are up to and so much more. It’s not surprising that most Americans will spend at least two hours online every day and that the world’s best selling tech products are smartphones, laptops, and tablets. But it’s not all fun and games. In order to enjoy your experience of the internet to the fullest, you have to be careful and take a few steps to ensure that you are completely protected online. Here are a few tips to keep you safe and sound while you surf the web.

Cyber Crime


Control Content

The internet is full of brilliant things. But, considering almost anyone can have access to it, there’s a lot of negative stuff out there too! So protect yourself from coming into contact with illicit or even illegal sites. Control the content that you see with content blockers. These can filter sites and prevent you from straying into the dark side of the web. While a brilliant option for adults, we suggest that this is essential if you share your devices with younger internet users (such as children and teens).


Never Share Your Personal Details

No matter who emails you, contacts you on social media or messages through any other site, it is important that you are careful with your personal details. Never pass on things like your address, car registration details, phone number, passwords, bank details or card details with any unverified source. This could open you up to identity theft, fraud or even having further crimes committed in your name.




Have an Alternative Address

If you do need a physical address to give to people online (perhaps you run your own business), then take a look at as this company provide you with a physical address and will scan any documentation that is directed towards you. They will then email it to you. Simple, right? This way, you will never have any need to give anyone online your personal home address.


Keep Your Social Media Private

Most social media networks have the option of making your profiles private. This means that only people you approve will be able to see the content that you post. Take advantage of this. Certain content is better kept private to ensure your personal safety and well-being. Remember, if your content is publicly available, it’s easy for people to repost your images to sites that you might not necessarily approve of.



Only Use Secure Payment Methods

If you’re purchasing goods online, try to only use sites that have secure payment options. Opt for payment methods like Paypal. These ensure that you have a guarantee. If your product doesn’t arrive or you are unsatisfied with it, you will receive a refund or exchange. You don’t want to pay for goods only to be left disappointed with lighter pockets.



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