What Treatments Are Currently Available For Hair Loss?

A lot of people will tell you that in most cases, hair loss treatments don’t really work and is something that cannot be prevented – it’s nature! And for the most part, they’re right. Some people will for a variety of reasons always be more prone to hair loss than others – many cases being both severe and unstoppable. But at the same time, a much larger proportion of hair loss cases can be treated surprisingly effectively in a number of ways. In fact, the only cases of hair loss that are 100% hopeless are those where the affected individual doesn’t at least try the options available to them. So with this in mind, what follows is a brief rundown of just a few of the most effective treatment options for hair loss:



Ok, so admittedly it’s not a treatment option in the conventional sense, but it’s nonetheless critically important to highlight the role played by nutrition. Diet alone isn’t going to prevent hair loss and thinning, but a poor diet nonetheless increases the likelihood of hair loss exponentially. Healthy hair for life begins with a healthy body – Vitamin B being of particularly high value. Protein-packed foods like chicken, fish, eggs, and pork, as well as leafy greens such as spinach are all on your side in this particular battle.



Hair Replacement Surgery

Perhaps the single most effective option of all is that of going nuclear…booking yourself in for hair replacement surgery. This is a process than entails healthy hair follicles from other parts of the head being relocated by way of transplantation. It can be a little on the painful and expensive side, though usually guarantees the kinds of results nothing else comes close to.


Approved Medication

If you’re looking for approved medication that actually works, look no further than Propecia. This unique medication has been clinically proven to halt hair loss in its tracks in up to 90% of cases. In addition, 66% of those using the drug reported that their hair had actually begun growing back while using the treatment. There are thousands of weird and wonderful remedies and treatments out there for hair loss and regrowth – this is one of the very few that actually work.


Here is one of the most popular Propecia videos (there are lots of them!) on YouTube of a man showing results of hair regrowth using Propecia (over time).


Laser Treatment

Laser light therapy is a subject of much debate. On one side of the coin, you can pick up highly advanced devices that are safe and simple enough to use at home and can make a real difference in terms of preventing hair loss. On the other side, it’s not a treatment option that can realistically result in the growth of new hair. Still, it can be a great option when combined with others.


Guava Leaves

Last but not least, the use of guava leaves for hair loss prevention deserves an honourable mention, simply for being about the most bizarre option out there. The process involves taking a bunch of leaves, soaking them a while and summarily using the gunk to treat your hair and scalp. Rich in Vitamin B and other key nutrients, it gives your hair and scalp a sizeable dose of the good stuff it needs. Evidence seems to suggest it can be effective in reducing hair loss and prompting regrowth. But even if it doesn’t, chances are your hair and scalp will still come out healthier as a result.



Hiding It 

A classic solution is the good old comb-over, simple and can be effective..if it’s not windy! Blow drying your hair also works well and to prevent the wind revealing your bald patch, fix hair in place with a little hair spray – not too much or else it will look like a helmet!

Spray On are popular with the likes of Mane Hair Thickening Spray are made of tiny coloured fibres that allow you to kind of paint over your patch. Several A-list celebrities have been photographed with pates looking suspiciously “augmented” in this fashion. Here’s a little video of this spray:

Volumising hair fibres – products like Nanogen, TecTrich and Viviscal Hair Thickening Fibres can work if  it’s a relatively small patch. You basically sprinkle the products on like salt and the fibres miraculously fill out any gaps. Word of warning: you need to get the colour just right or it’ll be obvious!

Or don’t hide it and embrace your hair loss and go for a shorter cut and more textured look.

If all else fails, shave it all off 🙂

Read on:

BBC Good Food – What to eat for healthy hair

WebMD – Hair Transplants – What to Expect

Livestrong – Does Laser Hair Restoration Work?

Lifehack – 15 Health Benefits of Guava Leaves That You Shouldn’t Miss

Telegraph – How to disguise a bald spot



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