Secrets Of Creating A Bachelor Pad That You’re Not Afraid To Invite People Back To

On getting his first bachelor pad of his very own, the average man will feel an immense sense of freedom. Of not having to share their space with others that have all kinds of demands. At the same time, they will become acutely aware of another kind of feeling. That of responsibility, of what their place says about them. By all means, hang up your favourite posters and show your style in whatever way you want. But make it a place you’re happy to invite guests.


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The contemporary style

One of the things that can easily build up in the home is clutter. Particularly if you’re a busy guy juggling responsibilities. That’s what the contemporary style of decor can help you fix. You’re free to go for whatever colours or accessories you want. Just take a look at some of the shelves and modules available from online furniture stores. They don’t take up too much space, but add a lot of storage. They can be innocuous, but add to to a sleek look of a guy who has his stuff together. Keep the trend going with surfaces that are easy to clean, too. Hard wood floors. Glass coffee tables. Ceramic kitchen tops. It all looks great and remains fairly low maintenance.


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Have a guest ready bathroom

If there’s one place that most might dread guests entering, it’s the bathroom. So leave no room for doubt. Make it a place people can feel relaxed. Even if you’re using black as a primary choice of colour, make sure you’re doing what you can to allow in as much light as possible. Shadowy corners give a feeling of real discomfort. Keep the touches on the wall clean and practical. For example, a paper clip towel rail that looks sleek as well as being an intuitive touch. It’s nice to also keep a little wall basket in the shower or bath (not wood of course). This way you can stock it with a few freshening goodies. Just make sure your guests know they’re free to use it. Using someone else’s bath or shower isn’t a normally comfortable experience. Make it a little easier on them.



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All about the bedroom

If you’re having people over at your own bedroom, it’s obviously more important than ever that it looks great. So cleanliness is the priority here. Keeping things clean is obvious, but you can do even more to heighten that sense of cleanliness. Use white bedsheets, so your guests know just how fresh the bed they’re romping in will be. Add a houseplant to the room to freshen up the air and add a bit of life. Keep the room uncluttered and easy to manoeuvre around. Any sense of stuffiness or cramped space is entirely unacceptable.


Particularly if it’s overnight guests that you’re inviting, you want a place they’ll be happy to be in. Keep your own style, but keep it neat and inviting at the same time. What’s the fun of a bachelor pad if you can’t show it off?


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