Cool Home Ideas

Thermosaurus Rex

Surely this has to be the coolest radiator you can possibly buy for your children’s dionsaur themed bedroom. Radiators aren’t the most exciting things to look at lets face it but Thermosaurus is made of cast iron and installs like…

Paper Clip Towel Rail

If you’re like us and love imaginative design and making ordinary things that little bit cooler then check out this paper clip towel rail. The Graffe Heaters by Scirocco are made of steel pipe bent into a paper clip shape….

Smart Security in 2016

You’ve probably heard the term ‘Smart Home’ bandied about by now as new technology invades our properties and shops become lined with the latest smart gadgets. The components making up the smart home are smart energy, security, entertainment, convenience and…

10 Tips To Keep Warm This Winter

Whether or not you’re on board with the way they do business in Game of Thrones, there’s no denying they were right with one thing…winter is indeed coming! Of course it’s not as if the Starks were referring specifically to…