8 Planning Ideas for your next snowboarding Holiday

Snowboarding is not just a hobby. It’s a way of life; snowboarding is a chance to explore the world and see some fantastic places. But with so many different destinations, how do you know which is right for you? And once you’ve chosen the best snowboarding location, how can you make the trip happen conveniently while not skimping on the luxuries?


1. Choose the best destination for snowboarding

There are many places to go snowboarding, but not all are created equal. Some destinations are great for snowboarding newbies, while others are better for experienced riders. And then some places offer something for everyone in between.

So, before you book your trip, do your research, make sure you’re choosing a destination that’s right for your experience level, and have enough funds (by taking a 3000 loan) to pay for what could be the ride of your life. Here are some suggestions…


Courchevel in France is a great snowboarding destination for beginners, with fantastic apres board facilities and excellent food options.

Mount Washington, New Hampshire, in America, is a fantastic choice for mid-level borders, with beautiful scenery and plenty of challenging pistes.

Niseko in Japan is perfect for advanced riders, with some of the best powder snow in the world and a massive range of backway options.


2. Make sure your documents are up to date


This one is important! You can only travel to America with an up-to-date Covid certificate, so making sure all your docs are in a row is a must, and it’s the one thing you must do before you book anything.

Check your passport hasn’t expired; you need to have more than six months on your passport to travel to most countries, and the further and more remote you go, the more critical it is to have in-date documents.

Don’t forget to book your excursions in advance, especially if you want to go off-piste, heli-board or snowboard naked (joke! it’s too cold for that).


3. Decide if you want to go on a package holiday or freestyle your trip

There are pros and cons to both options. Package holidays can be great because they’re often all-inclusive, and everything is taken care of for you. But they can also be expensive and inflexible.

Freestyling gives you more control over your trip and can often work out cheaper, but it takes more planning and can be more stressful.

Think about what’s important to you and decide based on that. If you’re not sure, why not try a mix of both?


4. Make sure you take out property travel insurance

Insurance is a must! You never know what might happen when you’re away, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Travel insurance will cover medical expenses, lost or stolen belongings, and cancellations or delays.

Skimping on travel insurance could be the difference between an unfortunate accident and a complete disaster, so don’t take the risk.


5. Once you have your Holiday booked, think about whether you need to upgrade your kit

Some companies will provide all the gear you need if you’re going on a fully inclusive package holiday. But if you’re freestyling it, you might need to invest in some new equipment.

Think about what you already own and what needs upgrading. It’s also worth renting gear before you buy it to make sure you like snowboarding before investing in all the kit.


6. Think about your apres snowboarding outfits and footwear

You’ll want to look good when hitting the town after a day on the slopes. But you’ll also want to be comfortable because, let’s face it, even the best snowboarding experience is exhausting.

So, think about what you’ll need for both comfort and style. Stylish apres boots are a must – they’re specially designed to be comfortable even after a long day on the mountain.

And remember to pack some warm clothes too. You might not feel like dressing up when you’re tired, but you’ll be glad you did when you see how glorious you look in all those holiday photos.


7. Get your budget in order before you go


This one is important! Snowboarding holidays can be expensive, so you need to take enough money to cover all your costs.Consider how much you’ll need for accommodation, food, drinks, activities, and transport. It’s also worth factoring in a bit extra for emergencies.

One way to save money is to take out a loan which you can use to pay for your trip upfront. This way, you won’t have to worry about money while away and can focus on having fun.


8. Have a fantastic time

This is the most important thing. Make sure you have an amazing time, no matter where you go to board or what you do while there. Snowboarding is one of the most exhilarating experiences, so enjoy every minute.

And remember to take lots of photos and videos to remember your trip. You’ll be glad you did when you’re back at work on a Monday morning, and everyone else is talking about their boring weekends.






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