6 jean…ious maintenance tips

You might think that slinging your jeans in the wash is enough maintenance required to keep them looking good. Well, we’re going to stop you right there. Before you get the fabric softener out again it’s a good idea to…

Garden Stepping Stones Inspiration

Springtime is nearly here and for many of us this means getting outside and busy making our gardens look nice again after the winter storms. One thing I’d like to get done this spring is to make a nice garden path…

Marvellous Musical Marble Machine

Check out this cool marble music machine called the ‘Wintergatan Marble Machine’ – a hand-cranked music box loaded with instruments including a circuit of 2,000 cascading steel marbles. It took Martin Molin 14 months to make the machine. The marbles are moved…

Batman vs Superman

Batman vs Superman. The Dark Knight vs The Man of Steel. As contrasting characters in the DC universe the two have always been pitted against each other, but who would really win in a fight? Our money is on Superman….

Best apps for enjoying sport in 2016

Despite many of our favourite sports having remained largely unchanged over the decades, when it comes to watching our favourite sporting events, we’ve been spoiled for choice thanks to the arrival of some great apps. So whether you’re wanting to check…

Smart Security in 2016

You’ve probably heard the term ‘Smart Home’ bandied about by now as new technology invades our properties and shops become lined with the latest smart gadgets. The components making up the smart home are smart energy, security, entertainment, convenience and…

The top 5 bling casinos in the World

While online casino’s popularity continues to rise steadily, land-based casinos are thriving globally too. Offering glamour and epitomising the high life, casinos remain exhilarating and thrilling places to spend your time and, if you have it, your money. As Vegas…

Lucky Numbers from Across the Globe

The superstitious of us all have our lucky numbers. Strangely, they are often the same numbers. But why is this? Do lucky number changes from country to country or religion to religion? Well, the simple answer is yes! Check out…

7 Cool SUVs & Crossovers

Geeking out over cool cars has long been a male adult occupation and one I’m active in for sure. Back in 2007 I even started a separate cool cars blog that’s still running today…unlike the Madza MX5 I had back them, god…